Michigan Historic Preservation Network


MHPN offers workshop for Historic District Commissions. Whether the Commission is new, Commissioners are new or the Commission and Commissioners are experienced, these workshops will provide guidance and best practices to ensure your commission makes sound decisions with fair and thorough deliberations.

Available with HDC Training Workshop

Upcoming Training

Supported by

HDC Conversations: Navigating Virtual Meetings

August 31, 2020

7 PM in Eastern Time

HDC Conversations: New Construction in Local Historic Districts

September 14, 2020

7 PM in Eastern Time

Prior to the workshop, the trainer will request information specific to your community, so that your workshop will be tailored as much as possible to the special features and individual needs of your community. An experienced, professional preservationist facilitates these workshops.

Historic District Commissions must be members of the MHPN ($150), click here to become a member. 

In-person training, depending on the availability of a local trainer, is $500. Zoom training is $300.

The training sessions typically run from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM on weekdays. All training materials will be provided.

Please email info@mhpn.org, with the subject line “HDC Training” to arrange a training session.