- NPS - Federal Historic Preservation Laws - 2018 Edition
- National Historic Preservation Act (1966 as amended)
- 36 CFR 65 - National Historic Landmarks
- 36 CFR 60 - National Register of Historic Places
- 36 CFR 63 - National Register Determinations of Eligibility
- 36 CFR 61.6 - 61.7 - Certified Local Governments
- 36 CFR 68 - Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties
- IRC 47 - Rehabilitation Tax Credit (Does not Include 2017 Updates)
- Public Law 115-97 Section 13402 - Amendments to Rehabilitation Tax Credit
- 36 CFR 67 - Historic Preservation Certifications (for Tax Credits)
- 36 CFR 800 - Protection of Historic Properties (Section 106 Procedures)
- IRC 170 (h) - Qualified Conservation Contributions (Easements)
- 16 U.S.C. 1B - Archaeological Resources Protection Act
- PA 343 of 2020 - State Historic Preservation Tax Credit
- - PA 343 of 2020 Basic Information
- PA 169 of 1970 as amended - Local Historic Districts Act
- PA 10 of 1955 - Michigan Historical Markers Act
- PA 451 of 1994 Subpart 11 - Conservation and Historic Preservation Easements
- PA 451 of 1994 Part 761 - Aboriginal Records And Antquities (Archaeology)