Michigan Historic Preservation Network


Upcoming Workshops

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Date / Time

Deconstructing the Past – From Farmstead to Nature Preserve

The donation of a unique parcel of land to Legacy Land Conservancy for a nature preserve evolved into its own project when the 1860s era farmhouse on the property was deconstructed after efforts to restore it were unsuccessful. This presentation will explain how the donor worked with Legacy, Architectural Salvage Warehouse of Detroit, the Manchester Area Historical Society and a graduate student in Preservation Studies at Eastern Michigan University, to uncover the history of the two families who lived there and how they interacted with the land. The Iron Creek Preserve combines the cultural and natural history of the area in a way that each can inform the other.

October 17th, 2024


Practical Preservation Workshops

These workshops are designed to educate historic home owners and commercial building owners on the benefits of historic preservation. The participants will gain a profound understanding of restoration techniques and methods, at the same time, discovering invaluable ways to save money.

Workshop participants will gain the knowledge and skills they need to perform masterful restorations as well as a greater appreciation for the cost-effectiveness of historic preservation. 

Video: Working with Windows in 5 parts

In this 5-part YouTube series, the Michigan Historic Preservation Network and Michigan State Historic Preservation Office provides “simple steps for working windows.”

Understanding Preservation Practices

Realtor Education Workshop

Join the Michigan Historic Preservation Network for this workshop to equip Realtors and real estate professionals with tools to help market and sell older homes. Learn how to communicate the value of owning a historic property to your clientele!

Continuing Education: The workshop offers two elective CE credit hours. 

For more information, please call us at 517.371.8080

or e-mail us at Info@mhpn.org