Each year, the Historic Resource Council publishes a directory of preservation professionals. It is the source for developers, property owners, and municipalities that are in need of preservation-related services.
Our members include archaeologists, architects, engineers, general contractors, trades contractors, consultants, developers, preservation organizations, and may others. Quarter-page, half-page and full-page ads can be placed.
Member Benefits:
Our HRC Directory is available to all on our website. We also publish in excess of 2000 copies a year that are distributed to MHPN Members, Historic District Commissions, communities, MHPN conference and events attendees, and property owners.
Throughout the state, MHPN staff and volunteers respond to inquiries from a wide range of individuals, businesses, and organizations. Our Directory is often referred to for solutions. The HRC also acts as an online forum for specific project related questions from the public. We ask our members for input. Our members in turn get an introduction to potential customers.
Our members will also have the chance to attend MHPN Annual Conference Vendor’s Showcase at a discounted rate. This is an opportunity to directly reach a targeted constituency.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Cindy Bruntjens at 517-371-8080 or cbruntjens@mhpn.org.